Thursday, February 4, 2016

Arizona Winters Rule!-- Week 77, 75 Weeks in Phoenix Mission, 27 weeks in Glendale

Weekly selfie
Arizona Winters Rule!--
 Week 77, 75 Weeks in Phoenix Mission,  27 weeks in Glendale

Dear friends and family,

So far today has been pretty lame, but it's been alright. I apologize
that I'm not getting any of your emails. The missionary email server
is running off a potato, obviously. Sorry if this email is kind of

Apartment inspections
On Tuesday Elder and Sister Dixon from the mission came by to inspect
our apartment. They were amazed about how clean it was! When they said
they were 10 minutes away, we made popcorn and set out party hats for
them. They thought that was pretty funny. Sister Dixon said our
apartment was spotless! Still old and nasty, but spotless!

On Tuesday I went on exchanges in my area with Elder Plourde. Before a
few lessons we went out visiting people. On our way back to our bikes
after knocking on a potential investigator's door, a lady asked us if
we were Mormon missionaries. We told her we were, and she told us she
had been baptized in Preston, Idaho a few years back. We chatted for a
minute or two, then went on our way. We ran into her again a few
minutes later and she invited us up to her apartment to give us water.
We went up there and she asked us a lot of questions! She is
interested in learning about the Church again. Oh yeah! It was a
really good meeting and she is excited to learn again. Later, some
kids stopped us on the street and tried to bash with us. They got
owned, long story short. Haha!

Zone conference
Our zone conference was wonderful! We basically just discussed the
missionary broadcast, and how to develop a culture in the mission.
President Griffin is such an inspired speaker. He always grabs my
attention every time he speaks.

We went with our roommates helped Christine take down her Christmas
decorations. She is very particular in how she does things, so I guess
we did a lot of it wrong. She was fired up as she was telling us how
to fix everything! She overreacted a ton, but in the end was grateful
for our help. Let's just say I was very glad to be out of there after
we finished.

Cottage meeting/Sunday
We had a meeting for investigators/recent converts at a member of the
stake presidency's home. We learned more about the plan of salvation
and listened to them sing some really good songs.

All of our investigators are doing great!! We're having a bit of
trouble finding new investigators, but we're doing our best. I have a
feeling it's gonna pick up again real fast! Rusty and Liz are doing
great. They gave us like 10 boxes of cereal that they weren't going to
eat, so that's pretty cool! Cindy, Mike's girlfriend, is also doing
great. She's having trouble understanding the priesthood, but she
comes to church every week and is very into the lessons.

Winter in doesn't get much better than that. Every day
was sunny and 72°F. Be jealous! :)

That was my week. Again, sorry if it was kinda lame! Hopefully we'll
have a more interesting week next week. I'm about to hit 18 months.
Yikes!!! I forgot what it's like to be an actual citizen!

Have a great week, everyone!

Much love,

Elder Jones
Black Canyon Ward
Arizona Phoenix Mission

Multi Zone Conference

Multi zone conference
Part of mission picture
Multi Zone - Elder Jones on back row center
back row -right
Elder Young's birthday party
Sister Haymond (French missionary serving in my ward-the one in the
middle) got transferred. Here's a goodbye picture!
French Sisters
Elder Jones
Elders Young and Jones
Tag picture I kept requesting
 Spencer stopped by last night to give
 us leftovers from our dinner. He
 out for a while. He's awesome!!
As usual he orders a cheeseburger- no matter
where he eats.

Multi Zone conference

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