This will be a blog about Kevin Jones' mission.
My youngest son, Kevin Jones has chosen to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in Phoenix, Arizona. His full-time service begin on August 13, 2014, and will end in August, 2016. He is excited for this experience. I believe it will be a great time of growth and change for him. He is leaving the comfort of our home and and the small town city he has grown up in, and is sure to grow spiritually.
Kevin received his call to serve in April. Since then we've been making physical preparations for his departure. We've purchased all his clothing, books, and other items one needs to get along in life.
Kevin has been preparing spiritually for his departure all his life, but especially since April. He has graduated from four years of early morning seminary, has been studying "Preach My Gospel" an amazing missionary resource, and reread "The Book of Mormon", another testament of Jesus Christ.
Although it will be painful for us and for him to leave our home for such a long period we know that it will be a joyous time as we will exchange weekly e-mails, and hear the wonderful experiences he will be having. This blog will be made up of those e-mails from him. I hope friends and family will follow this blog to see that growth and to read about his experiences in Arizona. God bless you, son, as you begin this new journey. I will also be adding some old pictures of him as I reminisce of the "younger Kevin". I hope you all will enjoy this journey as much as we will!
Kevin entered the MTC on August 13th, after spending the night with Matt & Dahlene Mullins, his cousins. He really wanted to see their son Jayden since they were both entering the MTC in Aug, but 2 weeks apart. Jayden is going to Mesa, Kevin is in Phoenix, AZ. So close, but yet so far away!
Kevin's time in the MTC was wonderful. His companion was Elder Sultan from Georgia. We never found out exactly where in GA though. He was a wrestler and so they were physically quite different. Kevin says he loved him right from the start! Elder Sultan was made district leader and Kevin was made senior companion. You know how he likes to be the leader so he was pumped! There were 8 elders in their district. They worked hard and learned what they needed to learn. Then on Aug 26 they headed to Phoenix. That was Tuesday and I have heard nothing since. I'm a little suprised I haven't at least heard from the mission President's wife saying they arrived and all is well. I expect to get something on Mon or Tues. Here is a picture of Kevin at the MTC with another Elder that used to live in Webb City but now lives in AR.
Kevin's birthday is Sept 14th so it would be great if he got a lot of emails and or cards wishing him a Happy Birthday! His email address is I will post his address when I get it.
Elder Jones and Elder Decker at MTC |